Is Your Data Telling You the Whole Story?

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Two Options That Can Help You Find Out

Relying on data to drive, optimize and measure campaign performance is an integral part of your digital media process. But what if the data you’re analyzing isn’t accurate? It creates a snowball effect, lowering the impact of your campaigns, skewing your results and lowering your ROI. Solid, accurate data is the foundation of successfully proving your business success. To confirm our clients’ data is stable, accurate and ready to drive optimal media performance, we work with them to audit attributes like: 
  • Core Tracking: Are there issues with site code that would impact conversion metrics?
  • Reporting Data: Does their GA data collection align with their media tactics? 
  • Marketing/Referral: Have they linked GA to their media platforms and are they tagging properly
  • Admin Settings: Are best practices in place and are media platforms leveraging advanced features?
Our Data and Media Health Check Audit ensures that Google Analytics is set up properly and ready to make an impact. If you’re interested in this audit, please contact us and we’d be happy to review your data accuracy. Our Head of Innovation Charles Farina has also created a Free Google Analytics Audit using Data Studio . One of our foremost GA experts, Charles developed the reporting/auditing template to securely generate nearly instant findings. Check out his blog to learn how to quickly audit your campaigns. Ensuring data is tracked and reported on correctly is a step that some marketers forget to take or don’t know how to take properly. They then spend an inordinate amount of time trying to problem solve mid-campaign. An audit is a critical first step in discovering and troubleshooting any issues quickly, helping you understand how you’re pacing toward your end goal, and making sure your data is unassailable when challenged. Let’s get started !